
For your organization
Members Only is a web-based system intended to help your organization improve communication among its members. It's perfect for companies, social groups, churches, and more.
Everything you need...
Included in Members Only are:
- Secure login. Only approved members can gain access to the Members Only system.
- Profile - allowing your members to maintain their own contact information, personal bio, picture, and more.
- Directory - providing easy searching through the membership information including listing by group.
- Discussion - a facility allowing group members to post "articles" and any registered user to post "comments" to those articles.
- Calendar - where group members can post events to a group calendar and, optionally, promote thee event on a public calendar.
- Group oriented security with special functionality granted to administrators.
Fits right in...
Images, fonts, colors are defined in CSS, so matching the look and feel of your existing site is easy. And integration into your existing site is a snap.
Flexible implementation
Members Only was architected to run completely independently of your existing site while appearing to be completely integrated. That means that the physical database and servers can be anywhere.
- Client hosted - if you choose to host Members Only yourself, I'll provide the software and database schema on a licensing basis.
- Hosted by My PC Therapist - or you can have me host and maintain the site for you as a service.