My PC Therapist (Now in Vero Beach!)
 PC Repairs
Virus and Spyware removal
Data recovery
Hardware upgrades
Home/Office networking
 Learning Center
Purchasing Assistance
Windows Basics
Microsoft Office
Internet Basics
Security and Maintenance
Web site development
Desktop and LAN systems
Individual Therapy

E-mail applications

Whether you use Outlook or another POP3-type e-mail client or access your e-mail through your browser (Gmail, Yahoo, etc.), My PC Therapist can help you setup and effectively use your e-mail system.


Windows comes with Internet Explorer, of course, but many have found other browsers like Safari and Firefox to be far more responsive and satisfying. My PC Therapist can show you the "in"s and "out"s of all of the popular browsers and get you set up the way you like.

Other Internet applications

The Internet provides connectivity to other machines all over the world. Those machines provide a wide variety of services - most of them for free - that can make your life easier. My PC Therapist can show you around the popular services for photo sharing, music downloads, chat (with voice and video), phone services, remote control and more.