My PC Therapist (Now in Vero Beach!)
 PC Repairs
Virus and Spyware removal
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Home/Office networking
 Learning Center
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Windows Basics
Microsoft Office
Internet Basics
Security and Maintenance
Web site development
Desktop and LAN systems
Individual Therapy

Microsoft Office - a suite of programs that work together

Office is a generic term used to describe a bundled group of Microsoft programs. Different versions contain different programs. The most basic version includes Word (a powerful word processor), PowerPoint (slide-show presentations), Excel (spreadsheets), and OneNote (a seemingly useless facility to maintain random notes). Other versions may include Outlook (email, calendar, and contacts), Access (relational database), Accounting Express, Publisher, Groove, and InfoPath.

How My PC Therapist can help

No, I'm not expert at all of the Office programs. But I am proficient at Word, Excel, Outlook, Access, and (to a lesser degree) PowerPoint and Publisher. I can also help you learn Project and Visio, considered Office programs but not included in any suite versions.

Other popular programs

My PC Therapist is also proficient in Quicken and QuickBooks, so, if you're setting up your finances for home or the office, I can help. To say nothing about the wealth of free programs and facilities available on the internet - like Picassa, Pandora, and may others.